Percy Jackson – magic, mythology and mischief

Percy Jackson – magic, mythology and mischief

Rating: 4.5 out of 5.


Twelve-year-old Percy Jackson is on the most dangerous quest of his life. With the help of a satyr and a daughter of Athena, Percy must journey across the United States to catch a thief who has stolen the original weapon of mass destruction — Zeus’ master bolt. Along the way, he must face a host of mythological enemies determined to stop him. Most of all, he must come to terms with a father he has never known, and an Oracle that has warned him of betrayal by a friend.

my thoughts…

Percy Jackson, a book series based on old mythological tales with a modern twist. A book series almost everyone has heard of, and if you haven’t read it and don’t get what the hype is about give it a try.

Full of lovable and relatable characters (as much as half gods can be) , adventures, and plot twists Rick Riordan keeps the reader on their toes, always wanting more. I first read these books in 4th grade, but something compelled me to re-read them and they were just as good as I remembered (maybe nostalgia factors in)

Percy Jackson, is half god half mortal and the book series detail the adventures and quests he embarks on along with his friends, making enemies with Gods, and even meeting Medusa. Percy Jackson  is sassy, sometimes annoying (as all 12 year olds are), impulsive, brave and despite being a half-god insecure (????).

So get ready to dive into a world of heroes, Gods,  prophecies and quests. I hope you can hold your breath as long as Percy Jackson because you’re going to want to stay for a long time. (i dont think that joke landed/swam 🙂 but whatever)

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Thank you for reading my review/rant, if you’ve read Percy Jackson tell me what you think of it and if you want to read more of my reviews please like or something, thanks.

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