A Gift for Dying – M.J. Arlidge

Rating: 4 out of 5.


Adam Brandt is a forensic psychologist, well used to dealing with the most damaged members of society.

But he’s never met anyone like Kassie.

The teenager claims to have a terrible gift – with one look into your eyes, she can see when and how you will die.

Obviously, Adam knows Kassie must be insane. But then a serial killer hits the city. And only Kassie seems to know where he’ll strike next.

Against all his intuition, Adam starts to believe her.

He just doesn’t realize how deadly his faith might prove…

my thoughts

The back of this book captured my attention, and the inside did not disappoint. The concept of knowing one’s fate has always fascinated me, but this book made me realize that knowing everything isn’t actually a gift (that’s one clever title)

Not the genre I usually go for but this did kept me on the edge of my bed ( …get it edge of your seat :D) . I was up all night riding a roller coaster of emotions that made me smile, cry and laugh through the tears.

The intensity kept on increasing as the book progressed and then ended in a final showdown, that did not disappoint.

I managed to make a connection with the characters, and got invested in their lives. I was hooked till the end and disappointed that that was the last I would ever know of them.

The story is written in multiple points of views and got a little confusing at the start, but it was worth the wait as soon as I remembered the name of multiple characters.

Soon I learnt to appreciate the different points of views as it gave a clearer picture, and helped establish the actual events, without the tainted eyes of one character’s perspective. This gave more insight into the psychology of a particular character and made them seem real.

M.J Arlidge does a brilliant job with the characters and the plot, capturing the readers attention effectively. I absolutely recommend you give this book a try 🙂

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